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Dateline 12/18/99

Candidate Deadlines Approaching In Texas And Ohio: Help Create A Full Slate For The NLP!

The 2000 elections are less than a year away, and in Texas and Ohio the deadline for filing candidate declarations is coming up fast. The Natural Law Party still needs more candidates in both these states. If you or your family or friends live in Texas or Ohio, NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT!

In Texas, the deadline for candidate declarations is JANUARY 3. Over 50 Texans have already signed on as Natural Law Party candidates, but we'd like to double that number in the next two weeks. Please contact Hazel Chandler, chair of the NLP of Texas, at or by phone at 972-869-2795 if you'd like to run for office or if you know someone who would be a strong candidate.

In Ohio, candidates must declare by JANUARY 7. Under the leadership of state chair Zanna Feitler, our 1998 candidate for Governor of Ohio, the NLP of Ohio has recruited 28 candidates so far, but would like to have 90. Please contact Zanna at or by phone at 216-921-7727 if you'd like to stand for office or if you have candidate suggestions.

"When you're a constituent and you want to present an issue to your congressional representative, you're one of 600,000 people that he or she represents," Zanna comments. "But when you stand for office, you're one of only 2 or 3 candidates, and then your representative really pays attention to what you say--and so does the public. Being a Natural Law Party candidate is a fantastic opportunity to educate both our leaders and our citizens about all the issues most dear to our hearts, and to open new doors into government. Please join us!"

Our candidates consistently report that standing for office with the Natural Law Party has been one of the most exhilarating, rewarding, and growth-producing experiences of their lives. If you support natural law, natural law will support you! Be a lighthouse for your constituency and become a candidate today!

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