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Consumer Right to Know

The Consumer Right to Know initiative has united scientists, physicians, elected officials, businesses, organizations, religious leaders, entertainment industry members, farmers, and consumers behind an effort to ensure mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods (for more information, call 641-472-2809). The 150 signatories on the initiative's letter to food retail executives include:
Senator John Nutting (ME)
Senator Don Preister (NE)
Senator Diane Watson (CA)
Neal D. Barnard, M.D., Pres.,
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Dr. Liebe F. Cavalieri, Prof. Emeritus, School of Medical Sciences, Cornell University
Prof. Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Ruth Hubbard, Prof. Emerita of Biology, Harvard University*
Dr. Michael Janson, Pres., American Preventive Medicine Assn.
Prof. Sheldon Krimsky, Ph.D., Dept. of Urban and Environmental Policy, Tufts University*
Doris J. Rapp, M.D.
Bella Abzug, Pres., Women's Environmental & Development Org.
Brent Blackwelder, Pres., Friends of the Earth
Wendy Gordon, Exec. Director, Mothers and Others for a Livable Planet
Susan Haeger, Exec. Director, Citizens for Health
Daniel Seligman, Sierra Club's Responsible Trade Campaign
U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG)
Tom Goldtooth, National Coordinator, Indigenous Environmental Network
John Robbins, Founder, EarthSave International
Daniel Sanders, Pres., Ecosport
Patagonia, Inc.
Michael Q. Ford, Exec. Director, National Nutritional Foods Assn.
Michael C. Gilliland, CEO, Wild Oats Markets, Inc.
Aubrey Hampton, CEO, Aubrey Organics
Jeffrey Hollender, Pres. and CEO, Seventh Generation
Michael Potter, Pres., Eden Foods
Peter Roy, Pres., Whole Foods Market, Inc.
Westbrae Natural Foods, Little Bear Organics, Bearitos
Gillian Anderson, Actress
Howard Gordon, Exec. Producer, 20th Century Fox Television
Amy Domini, Pres., Domini Social Equity Fund
Rick Prill, Pres., New Hope Communications
Rabbi Michael Lerner, Tikkun Magazine
*Institution for identification only.
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