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Genetic Engineering
Email Congress

March 2000

NLP Student Campaign Launched in New Hampshire

College Convention 2000, a gathering of more than 1500 collegiate political activists in Nashua, New Hampshire, in mid-January marked the start of a comprehensive NLP campus campaign.

NLP presidential candidate John Hagelin was joined at the convention by other presidential hopefuls, including former Senator Bill Bradley, Senator John McCain, and Pat Buchanan.

John Hagelin’s address to the forum was received enthusiastically. He told the students that the Natural Law Party is theirs for the taking. ”We have spent the past eight years building the party on principles dear to the hearts and minds of American students,” he said. “Now it’s time for you to take a stand on these issues and help create a government that will actually solve the nation’s problems.”

Student voters represent a great growth area for the NLP this year, especially since only 11% of student-age voters cast ballots in the 1998 election.

Hagelin 2000 campaign spokesperson Bob Roth says a series of student summits will be organized on campuses throughout the nation on the topics that concern student-age voters the most: the hazards of genetic engineering, youth violence, campaign finance reform, military and defense spending, and health care reform.

Among those participating in the conference was Rob Wilson, NLP congressional candidate for the 8th district in California and a doctoral student in engineering at UC Davis.

He represented John Hagelin in a student debate and in a workshop on environmental issues. ”I was very encouraged by the level of student interest in the NLP’s positions on the environment, genetic engineering, and sustainable agriculture,” said Mr. Wilson. ”There is no doubt that once students hear our message, they will be beating down our doors to offer their support.”

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