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Genetic Engineering
Email Congress

March 2000

Congressional Races Feature Strong Lineup of NLP Candidates in California and Texas

A concentrated effort to increase the numbers of NLP candidates seeking U.S. congressional seats this November has paid off in Texas and California. NLP organizers in California have successfully placed candidates on the ballots in 51 of the state’s 52 congressional districts. California NLP co-chair Judy Barath Black attributes this enthusiastic response to the party’s strong platform, which addresses issues that Californians take seriously.

“Our positions on the quality of our food, the protection of the environment, and campaign finance reform have found great support in our state. They have attracted a strong group of candidates who want to voice those positions in an election campaign,” she says.

The party will also run candidates for one U.S. Senate seat and 25 California senate and assembly seats.

Similar success is being enjoyed in Texas, where 29 of 30 congressional races will feature NLP challengers. State party chair Hazel Chandler will also run for a U.S. Senate seat. A total of 52 NLP candidates will be on Texas ballots this fall.

In Ohio, NLP candidates will contest 12 of the state’s 19 congressional seats and one U.S. Senate seat, as well as many state and local offices. This fall, 30 NLP candidates are running for office in Ohio.

Large numbers of NLP candidates are critical to bring widespread public and media attention to the party’s proven solutions. Candidate filing deadlines are approaching quickly in Idaho, Montana, South Carolina, Utah, and Pennsylvania.

“When you’re a constituent and you want to present an issue to your congressional representative, you’re one of 600,000 people that he or she represents,” says Zanna Feitler, Ohio party chair. “But when you stand for office, you’re one of only 2 or 3 candidates, and then your representative really pays attention to what you say—and so does the public. Being a Natural Law Party candidate is a fantastic opportunity to educate both our leaders and our citizens about all the issues most dear to our hearts, and to open new doors into government. Please join us!”

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