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Genetic Engineering
Email Congress

March 2000

“Hagelin 2000” on the Verge of Qualifying for Matching Funds

The Hagelin 2000 campaign has just accomplished one of its key goals—fulfilling requirements for federal matching funds. Harry and Susan Pavelka, directors of fundraising, report that 22 states (two states more than the 20 required by federal regulations) have already achieved the matching funds requirement of $5000 in individual donations of $250 or less. The initial matching funds request will be submitted in the beginning of March.

The states that have met the $5000 requirement are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.

Once the matching funds submission has been accepted by the federal government, all donations up to $250 per person will be matched by government funds. (The maximum legal contribution per person to Hagelin 2000 is $1000.)

So far, individual donations to the Hagelin 2000 campaign total more than $200,000. The federal government can provide up to $15 million in matching funds.

“Our next crucial fundraising goal concerns our ballot access drives,” says Harry Pavelka. “We urgently need to raise $250,000 within the next few weeks in order to cover petitioning costs. Several major states have ballot access deadlines in June, and we must meet these deadlines in order to ensure that we are on the ballot in all 50 states in November.”

NLP presidential candidate John Hagelin adds that the success in Iowa of his leadership bid for the Reform Party underscores the urgent need to seek funding for a national advertising campaign. “We must leverage this victory into a national press phenomenon. In order to build the Natural Law Party and to win Reform Party caucuses in state after state, immediate donor support is crucial.”

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