Natural Law Party
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Genetic Engineering
Email Congress

December 2000

A Message From Mothers for Natural Law


In just four months, Mothers for
Natural Law has distributed 500,000 copies of Safe Food News.

Mothers for Natural Law has worked since 1996 to raise national public awareness about the dangers of genetically engineered foods. After nearly five exciting and productive years on the GE front lines, Mothers is going on hiatus until next spring to take some much needed time with our families. The MNL staff would like to thank all of you for your kind and generous support, and we look forward to working together with you again next year.

During our hiatus, the Natural Law Party will continue to distribute Safe Food News, our 32-page GE expose, and to administer GE activities nationwide. If you haven't received a copy of Safe Food News yet or want your friends to receive one, call the Natural Law Party at 800-332-0000

right away--we've almost sold out all 500,000 copies! If you've already read Safe Food News, don't forget to call our 800-REAL-FOOD hotline to add your name to the National GE Food Alert Petition and get your organic goodie bag!

Food safety is of critical concern to all of us. But it is only one of many, many challenges facing our nation. If we're really going to heal this country, we have to address these problems at their root--in the consciousness of the American people. Only by developing and expanding our national consciousness can we create lasting and profound solutions for America. We encourage you to continue to work with the Natural Law Party to realign our country with natural law, and on that basis, to create a new destiny for our children and our nation.

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